Default Options
Default values for all tables
Upload Dir
If you do not provide an upload dir for each and every upload field, the system will use this directory by default.
All the custom folders MUST start with
so for example if your folder is called
then the uploadDir must be
Chars in View Mode
When a field is printed without any special format, only the default number of characters will be printed.
Max Chars in Log Line
Every log line will be truncated at this length. Be careful with a big number, because those log files tend to become big fast!
Default JPEG compression
When a picture is resized, or when a PDF is converted to a JPG, this is the default JPG compression applied
To View/Edit passwords, you must have a higher ABO level
Confirm when deleting a row
User pages at the beginning
Let users grab pics from URLs
Let users download the images from the server
Show unknown files from the server
Use TABs instead of commas when copying a row to clipboard
HTML Editor for MySQL Text/MediumText/LongText
Change all <p> to <br> in HTML editor
Uploaded files can overwrite existing ones
When removing a file, it will REALLY delete the file from the server (otherwise it will simply empty the DB field)
Load all the images with Lazy Loading
In sorted tables, insert the new elements in first position (by default, their sorting value will be the last)